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Taking the Complexity out of Moving to Office 365

Taking the Complexity out of Moving to Office 365

Office 365 is often the driving force in the move to the cloud. But it can be a challenge to seamlessly integrate Office 365 with other Microsoft systems like Active Directory to ensure secure and simple identity management.

You need to think about what’s involved in deploying AD to support Office 365 and what resources you’ll need internally. You’ll also want to consider whether it’s appropriate to add a third-party identity and access management solution. If so, you have to choose between cloud and on-prem, as well as find a solution that supports your particular needs, including topologies, Office 365 user-provisioning, and license management.

In this white paper, we cover:

  • Five questions to ask when considering Microsoft’s solution set and whether it’s enough
  • Nine questions to ask when considering augmenting with a third-party vendor
Taking the Complexity out of Moving to Office 365

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